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June 2008 Today: 1 June 2024

Login Lakshmi Mittal joins Goldman Sachs' board - Iron & Steel
Login POSCO in $404 mln Macarthur deal, rivals Arcelor - Coal & coke
Login Corus boss Philippe Varin blasts Rio Tinto takeover as ... - Iron ore
Login ArcelorMittal's Mr Steel profile - Iron & Steel
Login Holcim: higher cement prices needed for profits - Cement
Login Curbing China investment a mistake - Iron ore
Login EU sends antitrust notice to companies over alleged cal... - Non-ferrous metals
Login Japan buys more indium from S.Korea than China - Non-ferrous metals
Login ArcelorMittal raises prices for flat steel in Europe - Iron & Steel
Login Yunnan Chihong to purchase 3,000 tons of lead concentra... - Non-ferrous metals
Login Japan Rebar Export Price Hits US$ 1,000/t - Iron & Steel
Login Gold futures rise as dollar falls, oil hits record high - Precious metals
Login Aluminium costs set to soar as energy bills keep rising - Non-ferrous metals
Login Aluminium supply in deficit on coal shortage - Non-ferrous metals
Login 40% of iron ore desposit lies in reserve forest, sanctu... - Iron ore
Login Iron ore anti-trust battle brewing for BHP Billiton - Iron ore
Login China National Gold wins rights to country's largest go... - Precious metals
Login South Korea's Hyundai Steel to raise prices - Iron & Steel
Login Steel makers feel liquidity pinch, may defer new projec... - Iron & Steel
Login Renison commissioning underway - Non-ferrous metals

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Aluminium Alloy Sections in Russia  Aluminium alloy sections in Russia
Aluminium Scrap and the Scrap-Based Products Market Research in Russia  Aluminium scrap in Russia
Steel and Rolled Steel in Russia  Steel and rolled steel in Russia
Stainless sheet market research in Russia  Stainless sheet market in Russia
Rebar Market Research in Russia  Rebar market in Russia
Limestone and Lime market research in Russia  Limestone and lime market in Russia
Flat Cars Market Research in CIS  Flat cars market in CIS
Ferrochrome market research in the CIS  Ferrochrome market in CIS

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